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Pest And Disease Center Winter Moth Sideimage 608X341
Arborist Alert: Winter Moth Warning
The Winter Moth is harmless to your plants now, but come spring (BEWARE!) they wreck havoc everywhere.
Mulch Volcano
Mulch With Confidence!
Mulching planting beds are a fantastic way to help hold soil moisture, keep weeds down, regulate soil temperatures, and return organic material back into the soil. However, you can over-do it, so refer to the tips below to mulch with confidence this spring.
Lace Bug2
Insect Watch: Lace Bugs
Lace bugs are a common landscape pest typically found on Andromeda, azalea, laurel, and rhododendron.
Pest And Disease Center Winter Moth Sideimage 608X341
Winter Moth Caterpillar
One of the most prolific and damaging tree pests in Massachusetts over the past decade has been the Winter Moth caterpillar...
Tick Control Management
Ticks are everywhere! Find out how to take an effective approach to tick control.
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