Maximize The Health & Vitality Of Your Lawn

Your lawn needs to breathe just like you do. However, when the soil is compacted, it won’t allow water, fertilizer and oxygen to percolate deep into the soil. Likewise, the soil is not able to expel carbon dioxide. Another key to a healthy lawn involves healthy soil—and soil is at its healthiest when it can deeply absorb oxygen, water and nutrients and expel carbon dioxide.

Hartney Greymont’s lawn aeration service helps relieve soil compaction, allowing your lawn to function more efficiently by facilitating these natural processes. The best value comes when aeration is paired with a top-dressing of compost which replenishes nutrients while adding microorganisms back into the soil.

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Revitalize Your Worn-Out Lawn

Is your lawn looking think and worn out? Aeration and overseeding can revitalize your grass, but timing is key. Fall, especially September, is ideal for core aeration and overseeding cool-season grasses like tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass. Aeration breaks up compacted soil, allowing water, oxygen, and nutrients to reach roots, while overseeding thickens your lawn and crowds out weeds. Signs it's time to aerate include compact soil, water puddles, and patchy grass. After aerating, water regularly, wait two weeks to mow and fertilize to promote healthy growth. 

Trees Residential Street
Trees Residential Street

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